



We had a successful year, completing 10 placements with two of them, Innaminka and Cowarie, being further out than we often travel. Don, a new name on our list, lives in Stawell Vic., went to Boolcoomatta and enjoyed his first taste of SOTA. REVISE was fortunate to be given a Ministerial Grant for two years, which will cover some of the travel costs of the teachers when going out on placements until July 2021. I am away for the month of December, but if you need to contact REVISE (perhaps for an early new year placement) email manager@revise.org.au and it will go to Mary Hook who is more than capable of answering questions or taking requests. I hope everyone has a relaxing holiday break, a terrific Christmas and I鈥檒l see you all at Induction 2020.

Trish Ellin

Last updated: 25 November 2019